Adapted Syllabus

Designing Instruction for K12 Classrooms
A 4000-level ID Course for Preservice Teachers

This syllabus represents an application of my design practices and my teaching philosophy to a hypothetical course intended to be taken by preservice teachers immediately prior to their student-teaching practicum assignment. The goal is to provide instruction for future educators in applying basic instructional design principles to the creation of learning episodes and curricular materials in their chosen field.

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Course Description

This course focuses on the design, development, and evaluation of lesson materials and learning activities for K12 classrooms to empower current for future K12 educators to create effective and evidence-based learning situations for their students. This course is designed to allow each student to apply content to their own classroom situation and can accommodate educators of any experience level in any subject matter and grade level.

The focus of this course is to enrich a student’s specific knowledge of instruction in their discipline by providing exposure to knowledge from the field of instructional design and providing practical opportunities to connect this knowledge to their classroom.

Learning Outcomes

After completing my course, learners should be able to

  • Explain the value of instructional design principles for their personal teaching situation.
  • Use a design process to create lesson materials and learning activities.
  • Apply an instructional design framework to the process of lesson planning and revision.
  • Connect evidence-based instructional methods with teaching practice in their personal teaching situations.

Application of my Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is fundamentally centered around ensuring that students understand "why" course content is valuable to them. This central principle is supported by three beliefs or "pillars": authenticity, transparency and responsiveness, and respect. This adapted syllabus for this hypothetical class demonstrates how I apply incorporate my central principle and these supporting beliefs into an actual course design. The activities are all designed to represent "authentic" tasks performed by educators in the field, and should enhance the transfer of learning outside of my classroom and into my students' teaching situations. The learning objectives are also generic enough to allow for students to flexibly apply the course content to their personal situations, demonstrating responsiveness. Reviewing my course policies on attendance and submission deadlines showcases how I respect the fact that my students lead busy lives and that learning takes place amidst, not in despite, the messiness of everyday life.

For more details, view the sample syllabus below:

View Sample Syllabus